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Wednesday 21 November 2012

Earn Money from Home

Earn Money from Home - The Truth

We see advertisements about Earn 50,000 to 1 lacs of Money from Home by doing simple work. I have decided to know the truth behind these adds, So I call one of those numbers. I have asked on phone that is it a multi-level marketting? The person on the other side says No, it is not about marketting and gave an address to come there for an presentation.

I went to the presentation, there were so many people who have come to attend the presentation. They talked about "Herbalife" which is a product based company and selling its product to us. A product which is not a medicine but a innovation which cures you from Heart problem, BP problem, Diabetes, Weight Loss, Weight gain etc. There is a registration fees of 2300 rupees in which you get shake, energy drink, CDs, Informational documents and a bag. After that you can sell product on their behalf. The same multi-level-marketting concept is there, the more you sell the more you earn. You will get 25% on the sold products.

These all are same type of schemes. If you gave them a profit of 100 rs they are happy to give you 25 rs. Very less people will get success through this process but not everyone.

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